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NSF DGE-1926736
Collaborative Research: NCS-FO Biology and Function of Prosody: Integrative approach to individual differences
Magne (PI)/Gordon (Co-PI), 10/1/19-9/30/25 $393,394 (Total funds $1,000,000)


NSF BCS-1261460
Examining Neural Markers of Implicit Speech Rhythm during Silent Reading

Magne (PI), 06/15/13-05/31/16, $121,338


MTSU Foundation Special Projects Award
Effect of Music Intervention on Literacy Skills in Children with Dyslexia
Magne (PI), 08/01/2015-05/31/2016, $14,507


MTSU Faculty Research and Creative Activity Committee
Relationship between Musical, Visuo-Spatial and Auditory Spatial Abilities
Magne (PI), Fall 2015, $3,000


MTSU Faculty Research and Creative Activity Committee
Relationship between Sentence-Level Prosody Sensitivity and Reading Skills
Magne (PI), Summer 2013, $5,461

Funding: FAQ
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