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NSF DGE-1926736
Collaborative Research: NCS-FO Biology and Function of Prosody: Integrative approach to individual differences
Magne (PI)/Gordon (Co-PI), 10/1/19-9/30/25 $393,394 (Total funds $1,000,000)


NSF BCS-1261460
Examining Neural Markers of Implicit Speech Rhythm during Silent Reading

Magne (PI), 06/15/13-05/31/16, $121,338


MTSU Foundation Special Projects Award
Effect of Music Intervention on Literacy Skills in Children with Dyslexia
Magne (PI), 08/01/2015-05/31/2016, $14,507


MTSU Faculty Research and Creative Activity Committee
Relationship between Musical, Visuo-Spatial and Auditory Spatial Abilities
Magne (PI), Fall 2015, $3,000


MTSU Faculty Research and Creative Activity Committee
Relationship between Sentence-Level Prosody Sensitivity and Reading Skills
Magne (PI), Summer 2013, $5,461

Funding: FAQ

Equality is a core value of the BLL. We are strongly committed to provide an inclusive learning environment for our students and staff without regard to race, color, religion, creed, ethnic or national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, and disability.


©2019 by Brain and Language Laboratory.

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